High school students know there are many options when considering career plans. ONREF helps high schools in Oregon by providing grants to teachers so they can get the resources they need to successfully teach forestry and natural resources to students in the classroom and the field.
We need your help!
With your help, ONREF can continue to make deserving grants to high school forestry and natural resource teachers and their students. We invite you to be part of the ONREF legacy. Your financial contribution will allow Oregon high school students the opportunity to learn more about work in the field of Natural Resources.
To make a single or recurring gift to an ONREF fund, please select from the following funds:
Oregon Natural Resources Education Fund
Small Woodlands Association Subfund of ONREF
Oregon Society of American Foresters Subfund of ONREF
Pleasant Hill High School Subfund of ONREF
Terry Selby Memorial Subfund of ONREF
Contact a Philanthropic Advisor in the Oregon Community Foundation Eugene office by calling 541-431-7099 or contact OCF staff via email at giftplanning@oregoncf.org.
The Oregon Community Foundation website also hosts an ONREF page.
ONREF Success
Since 2001, ONREF has supported Oregon forestry and natural resource programs with over $171,000 in grants.
ONREF has recognized 75 schools/organizations with grants.
Over 7,585 students have been enrolled in programs that have received grants. This is an average of over 330 students per year.
Considering that the equipment used can last many years, we estimate that our grants have impacted approximately 53,000 students at 43 different schools.
The video below, produced by students from Philomath High School, shows the value of Oregon’s forests and the importance of sustaining them.